
If you want to empower youth to take effective climate action on a global scale, the Give Youth A Chance campaign initiated by GloCha is a unique opportunity for you to have this kind of systematic impact on climate action.

Why Youth Climate Action?

Young people are creative and have innovative ideas that need to be considered in climate policy discussions. Investing in youth today approaches the task of combatting climate change with a long-term outlook. Once we established a systematic exchange of knowledge and resources amongst young climate activists and wealth holders, and once young people from the global south and the global north are equally enabled to participate in policy discourse, youth climate action can take meaningful and rewarding action.

What is GloCha?

GloCha is an open and participatory multistakeholder partnership that has been initiated by IAAI, an UN accredited not-for-profit civil society Organization based in Austria together with UN organizations (UN Habitat, UNESCO MOST, UN Women), members of UNFCCC youth constituency YOUNGO (GYDI, CliMates, ..) et al. who have set up GloCha Foundation New York Inc as the partnership secretariat and as the joint resource mobilization and program implementation entity.

How can You empower youth climate action?

Global citizens, join our crowd of investors in youth climate action today by making a donation here. Even with small donations you can effectively empower Youth Climate Action in a globally coordinated way.

#GiveYouthAChance #CallForResources

Please Find Further Engagement Opportunities on our Action Network Platform.